mubitA llC
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The mission of the Africa Homecoming Econonic Empowerment Network (HEEN) is bring together like-minds in a private group network and stay connected to receive information on Mubita LLC's Africa Homecoming Network activities such as trade missions, wellness retreats and community events. Subscribers can be individuals, businesses, non-profits, faith-based or academic organizations.
To make contributions and support Mubita LLC projects beyond HEEN, click on the link below to visit the Homecoming Development Corporation (HDC) website. Some of the HDC projects include the Wall of Return, Homecoming Headquarters (Restoration Center) and the Homecoming Express chartered flights to Africa.
Want more information?
For more information about Mubita LLC's Africa Homecoming Economic Empowerment Network, contact Eric Sheppard, CEO/Founder at or call +1 (757) 395-0768.